DRRR Part 9

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Level of Effects of Hazards

1. Primary - immediate result of the process; ex. collapsed building
2. Secondary - occur only because of primary effects; ex. fire due to earthquake
3. Tertiary - long-term effects

Types of Hazards and Examples

1. Physical - wet floors, loose electrical cables, protruding nails
2. Ergonomic - lifting heavy objects, stretching and twisting the body, poor desk seating
3. Psychological - heights, loud sounds, bright lights, tunnels
4. Environmental - ventilation, contaminated air, room temperature, photocopiers, some office plants
5. Hazardous substances - alkali's solvents
6. Biological Hazards - hepatitis B, new strain influenza
7. Radiation hazards - electrical welding flashes, sunburn

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