DRRR Part 13

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRRR)

13. Volcanic Hazards

Volcanic Hazards and their Differences

a. Lahar
     -mixtures of volcanic water and rock fragments which rush down the slopes of a volcano and into the surrounding valleys

b. Ash Fall
     - consists of tiny jagged particles of rock and natural gas blasted into the air by a volcano

c. Pyroclastic Flow
     - (pyroclastic density current) a fast moving current of hot gas and rock moving away from the volcano with the speed of 700 km/h or 450 mph

d. Ballistic Projectile
     - rocks that an erupting volcano may hurl into the air
     - these blocks and bombs travel like cannon balls and usually land within 2 km of the vent
     - can travel as far as 5 km or even further if the eruption is very explosive

e. Volcanic Gases
     - gases such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) are present in toxic amounts close to the vent of an erupting volcano

f. Lava Flow
     - consists of molten rocks that streams down the slope of a volcano, destroying everything in its path and possibly causing forest fires

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